Which groups of people tend to overestimate their IQ?

Vaitsa Giannoul, a social scientist with European University Cyprus, has looked into the question of which group or groups of people tend to overestimate their own level of intelligence. The study is published in the journal ...

Using tweets to predict real-time food shortages

The sentiments and emotions expressed in tweets on Twitter can be used in real time to assess where supply chain disruptions due to a pandemic, war or natural disaster may lead to food shortages, according to researchers ...

How AI can boost service for vulnerable customers

Artificial intelligence has become the Swiss Army knife of the business world, a universal tool for increasing sales, optimizing efficiency, and interacting with customers. But new research from Texas McCombs explores another ...

Fowl language: AI is learning to analyze chicken communications

Have you ever wondered what chickens are talking about? Chickens are quite the communicators—their clucks, squawks and purrs are not just random sounds but a complex language system. These sounds are their way of interacting ...

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