Scrub jays react to their dead

Western scrub jays summon others to screech over the body of a dead jay, according to new research from the University of California, Davis. The birds' cacophonous "funerals" can last for up to half an hour.

Parrots display teamwork and decision-making skills

( -- In a new study published in the journal Animal Cognition, Dr. Dalila Bovet from Paris West University Nanterre La Defense showed how African grey parrots are capable of cooperating and performing tasks as ...

Scientists tease DNA from eggshell of extinct birds

( -- In a world first, scientists in Australia announced on Wednesday they had extracted DNA from the fossilised eggshells of extinct birds, including iconic giants such as the moa and elephant bird.

Extinct moa rewrites New Zealand's history

( -- The evolutionary history of New Zealand's many extinct flightless moa has been re-written in the first comprehensive study of more than 260 sub-fossil specimens to combine all known genetic, anatomical, geological ...

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