Triply eclipsing stellar systems

Stars with the mass of the sun or larger are typically accompanied by one or more orbiting companion stars. The system forms when gravity contracts the gas and dust of an interstellar cloud until clumps develop that are dense ...

NASA's Perseverance rover captures video of solar eclipse on Mars

NASA's Perseverance Mars rover has captured dramatic footage of Phobos, Mars' potato-shaped moon, crossing the face of the Sun. These observations can help scientists better understand the moon's orbit and how its gravity ...

Total solar eclipse plunges Antarctica into darkness

A total solar eclipse plunged Antarctica from summer into darkness early Saturday in a rare astronomical spectacle witnessed by a handful of scientists and thrill-seekers—and countless penguins.

Pacific sees a 'Blood Moon' rising

Stargazers across the Pacific cast their eyes skyward on Wednesday to witness a rare "Super Blood Moon", as the heavens aligned to bring a spectacular lunar eclipse.

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