Machine learning unlocks plants' secrets

Plants are master chemists, and Michigan State University researchers have unlocked their secret of producing specialized metabolites.

Predicting financial crises in e-commerce

A study in the International Journal of Computational Systems Engineering has investigated the e-commerce landscape and how it is affected by financial crises. The insights from the study offer a financial accounting crisis ...

Study of luxury brand digital retailing during COVID-19

Luxury brands represent an important part of the global economy, albeit one that is generally accessible only to a small proportion of the world population. Research into the world of digital retailing in this realm has always ...

Finding the sweet spot in advertising personalization

Personalization is not a new phenomenon in marketing. It existed before the internet. In 1892, Sears, an American chain of department stores, was amongst the first companies to embrace the concept through direct marketing. ...

Ignoring CDC guidelines leads to fear, anger among employees

Companies worldwide are facing unprecedented challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic, from modifying operations to keeping employees safe and informed. But not all businesses have followed the recommended safety protocols ...

China's zero-waste activists fight overconsumption

Parcels piled high at sorting centres and drivers speeding down bike lanes to deliver takeout lunches are ubiquitous sights in urban China, where e-commerce and delivery apps have taken over everyday life.

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