Five new species of sea slugs found in the ocean depths

When you think of sea slugs, you might envision dark, slimy relatives of the slugs you see in your garden. But one group of sea slugs, the nudibranchs (pronounced "nood-i-branks"), are gaudy, fascinating creatures. They come ...

Technologies shine spotlight on climate role of undersea canyons

Unprecedented high-resolution data from undersea canyons off Vancouver Island's west coast is bringing new understanding of the importance of these canyons as rapid-transit corridors for carrying carbon from the ocean surface ...

Undergrads use sonar to uncover Lake Union shipwrecks

Below the kayakers, seaplanes and construction cranes in Seattle's Lake Union lie unseen relics of the city's history. Shipwrecks from past generations rest just below the busy surface.

Wind power—even without the wind

Offshore wind could provide abundant electricity—but as with solar energy, this power supply can be intermittent and unpredictable. But a new approach from researchers at MIT could mitigate that problem, allowing the electricity ...

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