AI predicts enzyme function better than leading tools

A new artificial intelligence tool can predict the functions of enzymes based on their amino acid sequences, even when the enzymes are unstudied or poorly understood. The researchers said the AI tool, dubbed CLEAN, outperforms ...

Natural fluid injections triggered Cahuilla earthquake swarm

A naturally occurring injection of underground fluids drove a four-year-long earthquake swarm near Cahuilla, California, according to a new seismological study that utilizes advances in earthquake monitoring with a machine-learning ...

Applying deep learning to motion capture with DeepLabCut

A team of researchers affiliated with several institutions in Germany and the U.S. has developed a deep learning algorithm that can be used for motion capture of animals of any kind. In their paper published in the journal ...

Deep-learning algorithm aims to accelerate protein engineering

Proteins are the molecular machines of all living cells and have been exploited for use in many applications, including therapeutics and industrial catalysts. To overcome the limitations of naturally occurring proteins, protein ...

'Godfather' of deep learning is reimagining AI

Geoffrey Hinton may be the "godfather" of deep learning, a suddenly hot field of artificial intelligence, or AI – but that doesn't mean he's resting on his algorithms.

Accelerating the grapevine effect

Gossip is an efficient way to share information across large networks and has unexpected applications in solving other mathematical and machine-learning problems.

New algorithm improves speed and accuracy of pedestrian detection

What if computers could recognize objects as well as the human brain could? Electrical engineers at the University of California, San Diego have taken an important step toward that goal by developing a pedestrian detection ...

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