Benefits messaging boosts consumer plant purchasing

A deeper understanding of the relationship between plant benefits, consumer perceptions, and demographic differences is important when shaping marketing strategies for communicating the benefits of plants. In the ornamental ...

How to make web advertising more effective

Every day, users are bombarded with animated ads across the web, and companies fight to cut through the clutter. New research from the University at Buffalo School of Management has pinpointed one attribute online ads should ...

How you name it matters: 'Gambling' vs. 'gaming'

( —Is online betting fun entertainment or a seedy fraud? Your opinion likely depends on whether you label it "gambling" or "gaming," reports a new Cornell study that shows how industry labels help shape consumer ...

Marketing researchers study effect of red on consumer behavior

Rajesh Bagchi was once an engineer in California and Colorado, providing software support on water and sewer master plans to utilities and consultants and co-authoring papers about polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-contaminated ...

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