Workplace diversity will soon include artificial intelligence

A tsunami of change is already arriving. Artificial intelligence is now capable of doing desk jobs that were previously safe from automation. The social and economic effects remain to be seen, but is AI what we think it is?

Video: How machine learning is transforming the world around us

"Siri, will it rain today?", "Facebook, tag my friend in this photo." These are just two examples of the incredible things that we ask computers to do for us. But, have you ever asked yourself how computers know how to do ...

Making AI systems that see the world as humans do

A Northwestern University team developed a new computational model that performs at human levels on a standard intelligence test. This work is an important step toward making artificial intelligence systems that see and understand ...

Meeting of the minds for machine intelligence

Surviving breast cancer changed the course of Regina Barzilay's research. The experience showed her, in stark relief, that oncologists and their patients lack tools for data-driven decision making. That includes what treatments ...

Are you ready for the jobs of the future?

The flow of reports about the impact of automation, mostly dire, continues. The latest is from StartupAUS, Australia's national startup advocacy group.

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