Color vision found in fish that live in near darkness

An international team of researchers discovered a previously unknown visual system that may allow color vision in deep, dark waters where animals were presumed to be colorblind. The research appears on the cover of the May ...

Bees see super color at super speed

( -- Bees see the world almost five times faster than humans, according to new research from scientists at Queen Mary, University of London.

The surprising key to magpie intelligence: It's not genetic

If you've ever had the pleasure of encountering Australia's iconic magpies, you know these birds are intelligent creatures. With their striking black and white plumage, loud warbling voices and complex social behaviors, magpies ...

Creating 3D-printed materials that shrink more precisely

From houses to hearing aids, three-dimensional (3D) printing is revolutionizing how we create complex structures at scale. Zooming down to the micro and nano levels, a process known as two-photon polymerization lithography ...

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