Eat, escape, love: the price of looking sexy

In the animal kingdom colourful traits can be both a blessing and a curse. A new study from a group of researchers at Uppsala University has studied the conspicuous wing coloration of two species of damselflies. Their results ...

Color vision helps birds find good food and the right partner

The researchers have established that chickens - just like people - have colour constancy. For birds, this means that they, in different environments and under different lighting conditions, recognise the colour of, for instance, ...

Colour constancy in chickens

Chickens can find the correct colour in redder lighting conditions, researchers from Lund University and the University of Bristol have found. Their study indicates that – like us – chickens have colour constancy (a feature ...

Stickleback fish adapt their vision in the blink of an eye

Stickleback fish are able to adapt their vision to new environments in less than 10,000 years, a blink of the eye in evolutionary terms, according to new research by University of British Columbia biodiversity experts.

ESA image: Mississippi swampland

This Sentinel-2A 'colour vision' image captures part of the Mississippi swamps on the east and west banks of the Mississippi River, south of New Orleans and north of the Mississippi Delta.

To avoid mantids, stinkbugs evolved to hide in plain sight

Did you know that the sky isn't actually blue? Perhaps in school you learned about how air scatters light, filtering out red light from the sun, but that is only half the story. While our eyes perceive a milky blue, a more ...

Making window glass visible – but only to birds

Ultraviolet patterns can make window glass visible to birds, thus preventing fatal collisions. However, it has now been shown that such windows are not likely to work for all species, but only for birds like small passerines, ...

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