Instability can benefit teams with different expertise

Co-workers who team up to solve problems or work on projects can benefit when they have less in common and take turns spotlighting their different expertise, according to new research from The University of Texas at Austin. ...

Three steps toward safer and sounder software

How confident are you that your software will perform the way it is meant to in the moment of truth? How sure are you that a system going down somewhere else in your industry won't take yours out, too, or vice versa?

Cargill, Ecolab look to jump-start food innovation

In an effort to jump-start innovation in the agriculture industry, Cargill Inc. and Ecolab said Monday they will launch a program to fund entrepreneurs and startup companies in early 2018.

Equifax CEO steps down in the wake of damaging data breach

Equifax CEO Richard Smith stepped down Tuesday, less than three weeks after the credit reporting agency disclosed a damaging hack to its computer system that exposed highly sensitive information for about 143 million Americans.

Pentagon plans huge, swift upgrade to Windows 10

The Department of Defense is embarking on a program to update millions of its computers to Windows 10, an unusually quick move for one of Microsoft's massive government customers.

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