Spouse's attitude affecting your job?

(Phys.org) —For better or worse, your spouse's opinion about your job matters more than you might realize, according to a new study headed by Julie Holliday Wayne, associate professor in the School of Business.

The burnout epidemic: High turnover in child welfare

Job turnover is a concern in any line of work, but few fields experience this as severely as the child welfare system. Studies show that turnover in the social work workforce nationally could be as high as 40%.

Fear of terror may lead to job burnout over time

Terrorist attacks around the world continue to grow in scope and severity. In the aftermath of such attacks, authorities are usually quick to address the needs of victims and their relatives. But what about terrorism's impact ...

Benefits of working from home depends on family demands

If you work from home part of the week as a teleworker, does it help reduce work exhaustion caused by juggling work and family commitments? The answer may depend on the level of conflict you have between work and home and ...

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