Baby fish 'steer by the sun'

( —Baby coral reef fishes find their way home using the sun and a body clock to steer by.

Life's rhythms

While our "body clock" regulates our 24 hour daily routine, a woman's menstrual cycle follows a 30 day rhythm. Many marine animals, such as the worm Platynereis, synchronize their reproduction rhythm with the lunar cycle. ...

The early bird catches the sperm

Getting up later in the morning might gain you more sleep, but it could mean you end up fathering fewer offspring—at least if you are a songbird called the great tit. Ecologists from the United States and Germany have discovered ...

Arctic ground squirrel sheds light on circadian rhythms

The Arctic ground squirrel has developed highly specialized adaptations to extreme environments, and it has a lot to teach us about circadian rhythms and biological clocks. This species maintains circadian rhythms throughout ...

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