Related topics: protein

Hunting for deadly bacteria

( -- You can't see them, or smell them or taste them. They can be in our water and in our food, multiplying so rapidly that conventional testing methods for detecting pathogens such as E.coli, salmonella and listeria ...

Zooming in on the weapons of Salmonella

Some of the most dreaded diseases in the world such as plague, typhoid and cholera are caused by bacteria that have one thing in common: they possess an infection apparatus which is a nearly unbeatable weapon. When attacking ...

UNL biochemist probes protein for disease clues

( -- Scientists believe they have discovered a common link between such disparate diseases as Parkinson's disease and some types of cancer. Studying these links could lead to advances in combating these and other ...

Preventing cells from getting the kinks out of DNA

( -- Many standard antibiotics and anti-cancer drugs block the enzymes that snip the kinks and knots out of DNA -DNA tangles are lethal to cells - but the drugs are increasingly encountering resistant bacteria ...

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