The universe has a lithium problem

Over the past decades, scientists have wrestled with a problem involving the Big Bang Theory. The Big Bang Theory suggests that there should be three times as much lithium as we can observe. Why is there such a discrepancy ...

How "The Big Bang Theory" portrays scientists

Love it or hate it, you've probably at least heard of CBS's hit TV show The Big Bang Theory, now in its 10th year of production. But how accurately does it portray scientific culture, and does it break or reinforce stereotypes? ...

Next time you're late to work, blame dark energy

Ever since Lemaitre and Hubble's first proposed it in the 1920s, scientists and astronomers have been aware that the universe is expanding. And from these observations, cosmological theories like the Big Bang Theory and the ...

How to apply game theory to buying your Christmas presents

According to Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory, if someone is buying you a Christmas gift then the "essence of the custom is that I now have to go out and purchase for you a gift of commensurate value and representing the ...

What is the Big Bang Theory?

How was our Universe created? How did it come to be the seemingly infinite place we know of today? And what will become of it, ages from now? These are the questions that have been puzzling philosophers and scholars since ...

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