Rough waters for California's not so public beaches

The sandy cove along California's picturesque coast beckons visitors to what is supposed to be a public beach. But the imposing gate, the security guard and the annual $100 access fee tell a different story.

Act of altruism observed in bull elephant seal

A trio of ecologists has observed for the first time, an act of altruism performed by a bull elephant seal. In their paper published in the journal Marine Mammal Science, Sarah Allen, Matthew Lau, and Sarah Codde offer photographic ...

The new plan for destroying invasive pythons

Male pythons surgically implanted with inch-long radio transmitters that are then tracked by plane every two weeks. The hope is the male will lead to a female.

Origin of ambergris verified through DNA analyses

A team of researchers from Denmark, the U.K. and Ireland has identified the origin of ambergris. In their paper published in the journal Biology Letters, the group describes analyzing DNA sequences from ambergris samples ...

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