How the Australian ant-slayer spider captures ants

A team of researchers at Macquarie University, in Australia, working with two colleagues from Universität Hamburg, in Germany, has uncovered the means by which the Australian ant-slayer spider is able to capture and eat ...

How terrorism affects our attitudes

Many studies have investigated how terrorism affects people. A new, large meta-study has compiled the results of 325 previous studies to tease out some overall results across contexts. The meta-study includes responses from ...

'Pre-bunking' shows promise in fight against misinformation

Soon after the Russian invasion, the hoaxes began. Ukrainian refugees were taking jobs, committing crimes and abusing handouts. The misinformation spread rapidly online throughout Eastern Europe, sometimes pushed by Moscow ...

How the zebrafish repairs a broken heart

An MDC research team led by Jan Philipp Junker and Daniela Panáková has found that zebrafish can regenerate heart tissue after injury. Connective tissue cells play an important role in the process by temporarily entering ...

Zooming across the political divide

Social psychologists at UCLA have done what seems impossible, at least on the internet: getting liberals and conservatives to have meaningful and congenial political discussions.

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