To save biodiversity, scientists suggest 'mega-conservation'

While the conservation of charismatic creatures like pandas, elephants and snow leopards are important in their own right, there may be no better ecological bang-for-our-buck than a sound, science-based effort to save widespread ...

All genes of the Aspen tree mapped

This week, a team of researchers from Sweden, Belgium, England, Italy, Norway and South Korea publish the genomes of two species of aspen trees, a project that has taken close to ten years to complete and that proved to be ...

First comprehensive assessment of Pando reveals critical threats

Utah State University researchers Paul Rogers and Darren McAvoy have conducted the first complete assessment of the Pando aspen clone and the results show continuing deterioration of this 'forest of one tree.' While a portion ...

Aggressive conifer removal benefits Sierra aspen

A study just published by Point Blue Conservation Science shows the benefits of an aggressive approach to restoring Sierra Nevada aspen stands (Populus tremuloides).

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