Search results for gas giant planet

Astronomy Mar 7, 2024

'Baby quasars': James Webb Space Telescope spots little giants in the deep past

The James Webb Space Telescope has made one of the most unexpected findings within its first year of service: A high number of faint little red dots in the distant universe could change the way we understand the genesis of ...

Space Exploration Mar 6, 2024

More planets than stars: Kepler's legacy

The Kepler mission enabled the discovery of thousands of exoplanets, revealing a deep truth about our place in the cosmos: There are more planets than stars in the Milky Way galaxy. The road to this fundamental change in ...

Planetary Sciences Mar 5, 2024

Astronomers discover new Saturn-sized exoplanet

An international team of astronomers reports the discovery of a new exoplanet orbiting a solar-type star. The newfound alien world, designated TOI-1135 b is young, hot and comparable in size to Saturn. The discovery was detailed ...

Astronomy Mar 4, 2024

Jupiter's moon Europa may have less oxygen than expected, a finding that might put a damper on life

New research suggests there's less oxygen on the icy surface of Jupiter's moon Europa than thought—and that could affect what if any life might be lurking in the moon's underground ocean.

Earth Sciences Feb 22, 2024

Satellites increasingly critical for monitoring ocean health

Playing a huge role in moderating the climate, oceans are fundamental to the functioning of our planet. Understanding more about how seawater temperatures are rising and how oceans are absorbing excess atmospheric carbon ...

Astronomy Feb 17, 2024

Newborn gas planets may be surprisingly flat, says new research

A new planet starts its life in a rotating circle of gas and dust, a cradle known as a protostellar disk. My colleagues and I have used computer simulations to show that newborn gas planets in these disks are likely to have ...

Planetary Sciences Feb 15, 2024

Spot the king of planets: Observe Jupiter

Jupiter is our solar system's undisputed king of the planets. Jupiter is bright and easy to spot from our vantage point on Earth, helped by its massive size and banded, reflective cloud tops. Jupiter even possesses moons ...

Astronomy Feb 9, 2024

Researchers discover cosmic dust storms from Type 1a supernova

Cosmic dust—like dust on Earth—comprises groupings of molecules that have condensed and stuck together in a grain. But the exact nature of dust creation in the universe has long been a mystery. Now, however, an international ...

Earth Sciences Feb 8, 2024

What turned Earth into a giant snowball 700 million years ago? Scientists now have an answer

Australian geologists have used plate tectonic modeling to determine what most likely caused an extreme ice-age climate in Earth's history, more than 700 million years ago.

Planetary Sciences Feb 6, 2024

NASA's Juno probe makes another close flyby of Io

The Juno spacecraft has revealed some fascinating things about Jupiter since it began exploring the system on July 4th, 2016. Not only is it the first robotic mission to study Jupiter up close while orbiting it since the ...

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