See also stories tagged with Holography

Search results for holography

Analytical Chemistry Aug 2, 2021

Deep learning and holography create a better point-of-care sensor

Agglutination assays are widely used immunological sensors based on antigen-antibody interactions that result in clumping of antibody-coated microscopic particles. Once the sample—for example, a patient's serum—is introduced, ...

Nanophysics Nov 30, 2020

Raman holography for biology

Raman spectroscopy is widely used in analytical sciences to identify molecules via their structural fingerprint. In the biological context the Raman response provides a valuable label-free specific contrast that allows distinguishing ...

Optics & Photonics Jul 22, 2020

Instantaneous color holography system for sensing fluorescence and white light achieved

The National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), Toin University of Yokohama, and Chiba University have succeeded in developing a color-multiplexed ...

Analytical Chemistry Jul 10, 2020

Deep learning enables early detection and classification of live bacteria using holography

Waterborne diseases affect more than 2 billion people worldwide, causing substantial economic burden. For example, the treatment of waterborne diseases costs more than $2 billion annually in the United States alone, with ...

Optics & Photonics Oct 14, 2019

3-D integrated metasurfaces stacking up for impressive holography

Physicists and materials scientists have developed a compact optical device containing vertically stacked metasurfaces that can generate microscopic text and full-color holograms for encrypted data storage and color displays. ...

General Physics Aug 19, 2019

Holography and criticality in matchgate tensor networks

Tensor networks take a central role in quantum physics as they can provide an efficient approximation to specific classes of quantum states. The associated graphical language can also easily describe and pictorially reason ...

Quantum Physics May 28, 2019

Researchers demonstrate constraints on symmetries from holography

A pair of researchers, one at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and another at California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and the University of Tokyo, have recently investigated a set of old conjectures about ...

Optics & Photonics Jan 24, 2019

Multicolor holography technology could enable extremely compact 3-D displays

Researchers have developed a new approach to multicolor holography that could be used to make 3-D color displays for augmented reality glasses, smartphones or heads-up displays without any bulky optical components.

Optics & Photonics Sep 7, 2018

Holography, light-field technology combo could deliver practical 3-D displays

While most interaction with digital content is still constrained to keyboards and 2-D touch panels, augmented and virtually reality (AR/VR) technologies promise ever more freedom from these limitations.

Quantum Physics Mar 30, 2018

New math bridges holography and twistor theory

The modern-day theoretical physicist faces a taxing uphill climb. "As we learn more, reality becomes ever more subtle; the absolute becomes relative, the fixed becomes dynamical, the definite is laden with uncertainty," writes ...

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