Nuclear technology unlocks 50-million-year-old time capsules

A scientific analysis of fossilised tree resin has caused a rethink of Australia's prehistoric ecosystem, and could pave the way to recovering more preserved palaeobiological artefacts from the time of dinosaurs or prehistoric ...

Dogs used to sniff out rare species

A new study has found that dogs can greatly aid conservation efforts in finding rare species by smelling out their poo.

Scientists reveal 'superbug's' artillery

Monash University's Biomedicine Discovery Institute (BDI) researchers have created the first high-resolution structure depicting a crucial part of the 'superbug' Pseudomonas aeruginosa, classified by the WHO as having the ...

New discovery challenges long-held evolutionary theory

Monash scientists involved in one of the world's longest evolution experiments have debunked an established theory with a study that provides a 'high-resolution' view of the molecular details of adaptation.

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