Gene-OFF switches tool up synthetic biology

In the quest for tomorrow's diagnostics, therapeutics, and bioproduced drugs and fine chemicals, synthetic biologists are assembling artificial networks of genes and modular regulatory elements, similar to the electronic ...

Research redefines lower limit for planet size habitability

In The Little Prince, the classic novella by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, the titular prince lives on a house-sized asteroid so small that he can watch the sunset any time of day by moving his chair a few steps.

Biomaterials smarten up with CRISPR

The CRISPR-Cas system has become the go-to tool for researchers who study genes in an ever-growing list of organisms, and is being used to develop new gene therapies that potentially can correct a defect at a single nucleotide ...

Lighting up proteins with Immuno-SABER

To better understand how tissues and organs develop, fail to function, and regenerate over time, researchers would like to visualize their constituent cells' repertoires of molecules within 3-D space. Ambitious efforts like ...

SABER tech gives DNA and RNA visualization a boost

Researchers have been using "Fluorescence in situ hybridization" (FISH) analysis for decades to literally fish for specific DNA and RNA sequences in intact cells and tissues within their vast seas of nucleic acid molecules. ...

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