Goethe University Frankfurt am Main or Frankfurt University was founded in 1914 with private capital. Today, Frankfurt University is a leading research, academic and guest scholar center in Germany with an international outreach. Frankfurt University is located in the Frankfurt-Rhine-Main metropolitan area of Germany. The student body is over 31,000 in pursuit of varying degree and multi-discipline degree programs in science, law, social science, modern languages, economics and more. Frankfurt's research institutes welcome international scholars and scientists a place to work and create. The scientific research is generally highly complex and funded consistently by government, private endowments and other sources.

Senckenberganlage 31 60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

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Zeptoseconds: New world record in short time measurement

In 1999, the Egyptian chemist Ahmed Zewail received the Nobel Prize for measuring the speed at which molecules change their shape. He founded femtochemistry using ultrashort laser flashes: the formation and breakup of chemical ...

New dating of Nebra sky disk

Until now the Nebra sky disk was deemed to be from the Early Bronze Age and therefore the world's oldest depiction of the cosmos. Archaeologists from Goethe University Frankfurt and Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich ...

Physicists set limits on size of neutron stars

How large is a neutron star? Previous estimates varied from eight to 16 kilometres. Astrophysicists at the Goethe University Frankfurt and the FIAS have now succeeded in determining the size of neutron stars to within 1.5 ...

How massive can neutron stars be?

Astrophysicists at Goethe University Frankfurt set a new limit for the maximum mass of neutron stars: They cannot exceed 2.16 solar masses.

A star like a Matryoshka doll: New theory for gravastars

The interior of black holes remains a conundrum for science. In 1916, German physicist Karl Schwarzschild outlined a solution to Albert Einstein's equations of general relativity, in which the center of a black hole consists ...

Researchers discover potential targets for COVID-19 therapy

A team of biochemists and virologists at Goethe University and the Frankfurt University Hospital were able to observe how human cells change upon infection with SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing COVID-19 in people. The scientists ...

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