Duke University located in the Research Triangle of Durham, North Carolina traces its roots to 1838 when it was founded by Quakers and Methodists in Trinity, NC. Duke has more than 13,000 undergraduate and graduate students and professional degree students enrolled in its private university. Duke Medical School, School of Engineering, and the School of the Environment are rated very high nationally and internationally. Biomedical research is a very strong point for Duke and its discoveries come in rapid succession. Duke is well funded by endowments, grants and an exceptionally generous alumni.

615 Chapel Drive, Box 90563, Durham, NC 27708-0563

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'Tree of life' for 2.3 million species released

A first draft of the "tree of life" for the roughly 2.3 million named species of animals, plants, fungi and microbes—from platypuses to puffballs—has been released.

Bonobos help strangers without being asked

A passer-by drops something and you spring to pick it up. Or maybe you hold the door for someone behind you. Such acts of kindness to strangers were long thought to be unique to humans, but recent research on bonobos suggests ...

Researcher explains mystery of golden ratio

The Egyptians supposedly used it to guide the construction the Pyramids. The architecture of ancient Athens is thought to have been based on it. Fictional Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon tried to unravel its mysteries ...

Law of physics governs airplane evolution

Researchers believe they now know why the supersonic trans-Atlantic Concorde aircraft went the way of the dodo—it hit an evolutionary cul-de-sac.

Details that look sharp to people may be blurry to their pets

Compared with many animals, human eyes aren't particularly adept at distinguishing colors or seeing in dim light. But by one measure at least—something called visual acuity—human eyes can see fine details that most animals ...

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