Building on the collaborative culture long fostered at Columbia, the Quantum Initiative is combining interdisciplinary expertise in materials science, photonics, quantum theory, and more, all while taking advantage of our unique position in the global hub that is New York to develop novel quantum technologies that will open new frontiers into how we compute through complex problems, communicate with one another, and sense the world around us.

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A microwave shield yields ultracold dipolar molecules

Almost a century ago, physicists Satyendra Nath Bose and Albert Einstein predicted a theoretical state of matter in which individual particles would, at extremely cold temperatures and low densities, condense into an indistinguishable ...

Physicists see light waves moving through a metal

When we encounter metals in our day-to-day lives, we perceive them as shiny. That's because common metallic materials are reflective at visible light wavelengths and will bounce back any light that strikes them. While metals ...

Taking quantum control of life's building blocks

Life (as we know it) is based on carbon. Despite its ubiquity, this important element still holds plenty of secrets, on earth and in the heavens above us. For example, astrophysicists like Columbia's Daniel Wolf Savin who ...