Plants & Animals

Marine debris removal benefits Hawaiian monk seals and ecosystems

Endangered Hawaiian monk seals and other marine life have benefitted from 25 years of large-scale marine debris removal in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI), according to the cover story in the current issue of Science.

General Physics

Smashing heavy ions together could produce the world's strongest electric fields

Lab experiments around the globe that are gearing up to recreate the mysterious phase of matter found in the early universe could also produce the world's strongest electromagnetic fields, according to a theoretical analysis ...

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Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes
Australia sees surge in mpox cases

Tech Xplore

Scientists uncover structural secrets of antiepileptic drugs

RIKEN researchers have discovered how the structure of drugs for treating epilepsy allows them to interact with a key protein found in synapses at the junctions of neurons. This knowledge could help to design even better ...

Stay or go? Pacific Islanders face climate's grim choice

Rising waters are slowly but surely swallowing Carnie Reimers's backyard in the Marshall Islands, pushing her toward an agonizing choice: stay in the only home she's ever known or leave and face the prospect of becoming a ...

Simulation study explores how gift giving drives social change

New findings provide quantitative criteria for classifying social organizations in human history, together with potential explanatory variables that can be empirically measured for anthropology, history and archaeology, according ...

The Martian polar caps are not created equally—here's why

People have observed the bright Martian poles wax and wane for centuries, but only within the last 50 years have scientists discovered that they are mostly comprised of carbon dioxide cycling in and out of the atmosphere ...

Astronomers compile largest MeerKAT radio source catalog to date

Using MeerKAT data, an international team including astronomers from MPIfR (Bonn, Germany) has compiled the largest catalog of radio sources from any MeerKAT survey to date. With this catalog, they were able to make a measurement ...

New species of pāua found

The naming of a new species of pāua further highlights the importance of biodiversity research in Aotearoa. Described in a study led by the University of Otago—Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka and the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa ...

How new words arise in social media

The more centrally connected someone is within their social media network, the more likely that new words they use will become adopted into mainstream language, according to a new study published in PLOS Complex Systems by ...

Hawk defies expectations in the face of habitat decline

Ferruginous Hawks (Buteo regalis) that spend their winters in California seem to be going up in number, yet their preferred grassland habitat has been declining for over 20 years. Most other grassland bird species are, sadly, ...

How to keep your pet's coat healthy

Unless you own a Sphinx cat, you probably deal with your pet's coat daily. Every time you pet, groom, or even feed your pet, you're interacting with your pet's coat health.

Q&A: Expert discusses advances in RNA research

RNA hit prime time during the COVID-19 pandemic, when the average American waiting in line for their shot knew that the vaccines from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna were made using mRNA. But while RNA has since become a part ...