Does biomass harvest affect wildlife?

On loblolly pine plantations in the Southeast, timber harvesting often involves an extra step: gleaning woody debris left behind after clearcutting. Branches, treetops and smaller trees are sources of biomass that can be ...

Study finds managed forests in new hampshire rich in carbon

A Dartmouth-led study examining carbon stocks in an actively managed mixed wood forest in New Hampshire finds that places with more trees have more carbon stored in both the trees and the soil. The findings, published in ...

Limited value of tree plantations for biodiversity conservation

In light of declining natural forests, tree plantations may seem like a good way to replace forest habitats. But what are the possible benefits of these plantations for biological diversity? A team of researchers led by led ...

Beavers restore dead wood in boreal forests

New research shows that beavers create significant amounts of dead wood into the lowland shore forests of boreal wetlands. Particularly snags and deciduous dead wood are formed through the beavers' actions.

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