Lianas found to have large vessel dimorphism

The determination of plant vessel structure is fundamental for further understanding vascular function in different plant groups. Vessel dimorphism may be an important hydraulic strategy and ecological adaptation of plants. ...

Discovery uncovers a new leaf for redwoods

Redwoods are among the most well-studied trees on the planet, and yet their mysteries continue to surprise and delight scientists and nature lovers.

Forest carbon stocks have been overestimated for 50 years

Basic density is widely used to compute carbon storage by trees. A formula used to calculate basic wood density has recently been corrected. Researchers estimate that the error in the initial formula resulted in an overestimation ...

Lilly pilly fossils reveal snowless Snowy Mountains

Leaf fossils discovered high in Australia's Snowy Mountains have revealed a past history of warmer rainforest vegetation and a lack of snow, in contrast with the alpine vegetation and winter snow-covered slopes of today.

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