
Controls of specialization unraveled

Two phases of the cell cycle of human embryonic stem cells have been shown, for the first time, to actively employ pathways that maintain pluripotency—the potential to develop into almost any type of cell in the body.

How to distinguish lifelike robots from humans

Can you imagine being in front of an android and a human and not able to identify which one is real? Mexican researcher David Silvera-Tawil discovered, after conducting a study in Australia, that exposure to Geminoids robots ...

LHC completes proton run for 2015, preps for lead

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has successfully completed its planned proton run for 2015, delivering the equivalent of about 400 trillion (1012) proton-proton collisions – some 4 inverse femtobarns of data – to both ...

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