
Environmentally friendly and efficient propane heat pump

Heat pumps use environmental energy to provide us with heat. However, they generally require synthetic refrigerants, which contain environmentally harmful fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-gases). Fraunhofer researchers have ...

Patent mining indicates promising routes for research

A group of researchers affiliated with the University of São Paulo (USP) campus in Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, has used big data tools such as data mining and network analysis to develop a method to identify technological routes, ...

Scientists increase internet speed up to one and a half times

Scientists from Samara University and the University of Missouri (Columbia, Missouri) have developed an algorithm that provides fast and reliable access to powerful data processing centers for solving high-tech tasks. Their ...

Little star sheds light on young planets

Astronomers from the Department of Physics at the University of Tokyo discovered a dense disk of material around a young star, which may be a precursor to a planetary system. Their research could vastly improve models of ...

Small fish passes classic self-awareness test

An international team of researchers has found a small tropical fish that is capable of passing a classic test of self-awareness. The results are published on the bioRxiv prepress server.

Regulation of Pom cluster dynamics in Myxococcus xanthus

Rod-shaped bacterial cells normally divide by constriction midway along their long axis. LMU physicists have developed a theoretical model to explain how Myxococcus xanthus localizes the plane of division to mid-cell.

Like a zipper: How cells form new blood vessels

Blood vessel formation relies on the ability of vascular cells to move while remaining firmly connected to each other. This enables the vessels to grow and sprout without leaking any blood. In the current issue of Nature ...

Chemists synthesize ultrafast cyanide detector

Organic chemists at Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), Lithuania have synthesised a new material, which can be used as a detector of cyanides in water. In contact with cyanides it changes colour in half a minute – more ...

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