
Women with caring responsibilities at greater risk of poverty

A new report by UNSW Social Policy Research Centre (SPRC) and Australian Council of Social Services (ACOSS) highlights the relationship between caring roles and poverty in Australia. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, households ...

Fighting parasites with poo

Sheep poo could hold the key to developing the next generatation of antiparasitic treatments that could protect Australian livestock and save the industry millions of dollars a year.

Will movie theaters survive COVID-19?

The season of blockbusters is upon us, but theaters have been empty for months—and it's unclear what they'll show, or who will come, when they reopen. Derek Long focuses on the history of the film industry, in particular ...

Video: The long arm and short legs wars in palaeoanthropology

For decades a war raged within the field of palaeoanthropology. At the center of the battle were some of the most important fossils hominids ever discovered, the fossils from Hadar in Ethiopia, and included the famous Lucy ...

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