
Coconut the snow leopard recovers from eyelid surgery

Coconut, the snow leopard cub born at the Sacramento Zoo earlier this year, underwent a rare eyelid surgery on Wednesday, October 24.. UC Davis veterinary specialists and the Sacramento Zoo veterinary team collaborated to ...

Nanocrystals arrange to improve electronics

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) researchers are working to make better electronic devices by delving into the way nanocrystals are arranged inside of them.

Mars Express keeps an eye on curious cloud

Since 13 September, ESA's Mars Express has been observing the evolution of an elongated cloud formation hovering in the vicinity of the 20 km-high Arsia Mons volcano, close to the planet's equator.

Racial and economic disparities intertwined, study finds

By many measures, the U.S. has made important strides when it comes to civil rights: The racial gaps in educational achievement, life expectancy, and wages, though still considerable, have all narrowed measurably in the past ...

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