
Experts call for widening the debate on climate change

Environmental scientists are being urged to broaden the advice they give on global climate change, say experts who are also frustrated that decision makers are not taking enough action.

Opening doors to space

The same device that opens doors on buses and planes could be used to meet peak energy demands on satellites.

Expanded US ocean preserve to be world's largest (Update)

Far off America's shores, an ocean preserve flush with rare seabirds, turtles and marine mammals will grow to roughly three times the size of California under a memorandum that President Barack Obama signed Thursday.

Climate: Now to turn summit prose into action

Having renewed their commitment to saving Earth's climate, governments face daunting challenges in the coming months to draft a global pact and set targets for slashing carbon emissions, analysts said Wednesday.

FAA expected to approve drones for moviemaking

The Federal Aviation Administration is expected to announce Thursday that it is granting permits to seven movie and television production companies to fly drones, an important step toward greater use of the technology by ...

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