
Fungi eyed to tackle weedy menace of american west

Russian thistle, Salsola tragus (tumbleweed), has become an icon of the American West since arriving in the 1870s as a flax seed contaminant. Make no mistake, though: The weed is a menace. It outcompetes crops, clogs irrigation ...

Chemists recruit anthrax to deliver cancer drugs

Bacillus anthracis bacteria have very efficient machinery for injecting toxic proteins into cells, leading to the potentially deadly infection known as anthrax. A team of MIT researchers has now hijacked that delivery system ...

How carbon budgets can change climate negotiations

(Phys.org) —This week in New York, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon is hosting a Climate Summit. The Summit aims to 'catalyse action' on climate change among the 120 or so Heads of State in attendance. The Summit ...

New technique reveals a role for histones in cell division

(Phys.org) —Proteins known as histones give structure to DNA, which coils around them like string on spools. But as is so often the case in biology, it turns out there is more to these structures than meets the eye. Scientists ...

With few data, Arctic carbon models lack consensus

(Phys.org) —As climate change grips the Arctic, how much carbon is leaving its thawing soil and adding to Earth's greenhouse effect? The question has long been debated by scientists. A new study conducted as part of NASA's ...

Shaking things up

Nicole Gasparini was going upstream against a major trend in geologic research. Many geologists ascribe to the popular hypothesis about the formation of very steep mountain ranges: that a wet climate and heavy rainfall on ...

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