
Researchers seeking fragments of fireball in Ontario

Researchers are seeking the public's help in locating fragments of a fireball that shone as bright as the full moon observed by Western's All-Sky Camera Network across at 2:44 a.m. ET this morning.

Leiden physicists image lumpy superconductor

High-temperature superconductivity is one of the big mysteries in physics. Milan Allan's research group used a Josephson Scanning Tunneling Microscope to image spatial variations of superconducting particles for the first ...

Technologies for the sixth generation cellular network

Future wireless data networks will have to reach higher transmission rates and shorter delays, while supplying an increasing number of end devices. For this purpose, network structures consisting of many small radio cells ...

Determining traits from genes

Advanced technologies allow scientists to decipher information about genes faster and more accurately than ever before. But bridging the gap between the genome and how it will be expressed has proven challenging. Scientists ...

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