
Researchers extend quantum amplification to Floquet systems

Detection of weak signals is a crucial step in the verification of physics hypotheses and making breakthroughs in cutting-edge and fundamental physics research. However, if the signals are too weak to measure, they need enhancement. ...

X-ray binary GX 3+1 investigated with AstroSat

Using the AstroSat spacecraft, Indian astronomers have investigated a low-mass X-ray binary known as GX 3+1. The study provided more insights into the properties of GX 3+1 and detected a thermonuclear burst from this source. ...

The impact of social media disclosures on veteran hiring

Asper Assistant Professor Wenxi Pu wants to shine a light on the stigmatizing effects that post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has on veterans who are looking to re-enter the workforce. Alongside co-authors Philip L. Roth, ...

Interlocking rings unlock new material properties

Researchers working with Jonathan Barnes, assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry, have recently shown how molecules with interlocking ring architectures can be functionalized and incorporated into three-dimensional ...

Decontaminating heavy metal water using protein from plant waste

Scientists from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore), in collaboration with ETH Zurich, Switzerland (ETHZ), have created a membrane made from a waste by-product of vegetable oil manufacturing that can ...

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