
How companies can lessen the shocks of a volatile world

Companies large and small globalize their enterprises in search of advantages, such as lower costs, flexibility, and closer proximity to key markets. But globalizing comes with an Achilles' heel: The vaster a company's operations, ...

An 'apatite' for radionuclides

Sandia National Laboratories geochemist Mark Rigali and his colleagues are developing and deploying apatite-based technologies to protect groundwater at sites contaminated by radionuclides and heavy metals.

How a flying bat sees space

Recordings from echolocating bat brains have for the first time given researchers a view into how mammals understand 3-D space.

Trouble in the air?

Among the earliest warning signs of the 2014 West Virginia chemical spill were widespread reports of a peculiar odor: licorice.

SE Asia fires 'produce more greenhouse gas than US'

Fires raging across huge areas of Indonesia are spewing more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere every day than the US economy, according to estimates from global environment watchdogs.

VW's 'dieselgate' puts spotlight on electric cars in Germany

The pollution-cheating scandal that has engulfed auto giant Volkswagen is turning up the heat on the German government to make more determined headway in its self-declared "electromobility" goals, analysts say.

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