
Technology confronts disasters

In 2010, soon after Haiti was devastated by an earthquake, a team from MIT Lincoln Laboratory collected and analyzed information to help the U.S. Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM), the lead military agency responding to the crisis, ...

Climate change could affect fall foliage timing

Climate change could substantially alter the timing of the autumn season in New England over the next century, a new study finds – in ways that are not simply based on rising temperatures.

NASA study improves understanding of LA quake risks

A new NASA-led analysis of a moderate magnitude 5.1 earthquake that shook Greater Los Angeles in 2014 finds that the earthquake deformed Earth's crust across a broad region encompassing the northern Los Angeles Basin and ...

Economists say Internet TV means more options, not viewing time

The option of watching television online will not influence the amount of time a person spends viewing TV, but it does make the experience more pleasurable, according to a new study from The University of Texas at Dallas.

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