
Superman's laser vision a step closer to reality

Superman's ability to shoot laser beams from his eyes has come a step closer to reality, with discoveries made by a research team at the University of St Andrews.

A physical basis for the cognitive process of decision-making

In experiments studying how fruit flies distinguish between ever closer concentrations of an odour, the researchers led by Professor Gero Miesenböck had previously identified a tiny minority of about 200 nerve cells in the ...

Image: Airway monitoring experiment for astronauts

In recognition of World Asthma Day, here is ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst preparing to take preflight measurements for the Airway Monitoring experiment, which looks into inflammation of the airway.

Material to help transition to clean hydrogen fuel

The ability of plants to harvest sunlight and split water into hydrogen and oxygen through photosynthesis has long fascinated scientists, who have sought to replicate the process to capture hydrogen as a renewable and sustainable ...

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