
Wireless sensors could make diesel engines greener

Advances in wireless technology continue to pave the way for better consumer devices. In the future, however, wireless devices could also benefit the automotive industry, by helping diesel engines use less fuel while curbing ...

Biomass—a possible source of green energy

Bioenergy represents two-thirds of the energy produced from renewable sources in Europe, though biomass sustainability is not taken for granted. A study conducted by researchers in Sicily, southern Italy, gives a revealing ...

Image: Enceladus and Saturn's rings

Although Enceladus and Saturn's rings are largely made up of water ice, they show very different characteristics. The small ring particles are too tiny to retain internal heat and have no way to get warm, so they are frozen ...

Social media link to attacks poses conundrum

Pressure is growing on social networks to play a bigger role in finding and weeding out jihadists and others looking to recruit members and plot deadly attacks.

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