
People are info-egoists when it comes to their privacy

People are much more concerned about sharing their own private information with third-party app developers than they are about revealing their friends' data, according to Penn State researchers.

Study sheds light on aluminum reaction in low pH environments

Within the deep strata of the San Telmo "acid pit lake" in southwestern Spain rests a wealth of rich geochemical knowledge. That knowledge recently helped researchers at Penn State discover new information about the chemical ...

New research improves global climate models

When it comes to understanding climate change, there is the easy part and the hard part. The easy part is understanding how greenhouses gasses such as carbon dioxide and methane trap solar radiation and warm the planet. The ...

Toward a more resilient and flexible power grid

"The biggest and most complex machine ever built by humankind." That is how University of Wisconsin–Madison doctoral student of electrical engineering Philip Hart describes the nation's power grid.

Modest levels of nanoparticle may harm brain cells

Even moderate concentrations of a nanoparticle used to whiten certain foods, milk and toothpaste could potentially compromise the brain's most numerous cells, according to a new study from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

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