
Wealth tax linked to increased savings, study finds

With Uncle Sam running chronic trillion-dollar deficits, one proposal to increase revenue has been to raise it from the wealthiest Americans: through a tax, not on their yearly income, but on their accumulated wealth.

Harnessing nature to defend soybean roots

The microscopic soybean cyst nematode (SCN) may be small, but it has a massive impact. This pest latches onto soybean roots, feeding on their nutrients and leaving a trail of destruction that costs farmers billions in yield ...

A cleaner vision: Research supports safe, sustainable suds

Anyone who's ever lathered up knows the dilemma. The same qualities that make surfactants—the chemical compounds in soaps, shampoos and detergents that penetrate grease, dissolve stains and make those satisfying suds in ...

Image: Earth in far-ultraviolet

On April 21, 1972, NASA astronaut John W. Young, commander of the Apollo 16 mission, took a far-ultraviolet photo of Earth with an ultraviolet camera. Young's original black-and-white picture was printed on Agfacontour professional ...

The bacterium that transformed DNA sequencing

DNA sequencing was revolutionized after scientists discovered a new bacterium in the hot springs of Yellowstone National Park, and today it's a common research technique.

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