
Largest rocky world found

We thought we understood how big rocky planets can get. But most of our understanding of planetary formation and solar system development has come from direct observation of our own solar system. We simply couldn't see any ...

Twisting magnets enhance data storage capacity

Members of a research collaboration have succeeded in experimentally verifying the properties of crystals of chiral magnetic materials, which may lead to the development of new types of magnetic memories with unprecedented ...

Smart cities better defined by new research

Researchers at the University of Birmingham have identified a handful of key elements that define 'smart cities'– cities like Singapore and Copenhagen, which are both at the top of their game in using technology to enable ...

Compliance cannot compel ethical behavior

Corporate ethics compliance programs have flourished since the federal government gave companies that established one a break on fines and penalties in 1991.

Compact lens-free digital microscope

At next week's SPIE Photonics West 2016, imec will demonstrate a lens-free microscope for large field-of-view live imaging at micrometer resolution. Imec's on-chip lens-free microscope can be integrated into life sciences ...

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