
Quake rattles Tuscany, no injuries reported

An earthquake struck Tuscany north of Florence on Monday, sending frightened people into the street in the middle of the night, opening up cracks in walls and damaging a church.

Organic packaging to protect enzymes

As soon as you take medication, your body is already working on removing it from your body. According to UT Ph.D. student Robin Klem, encapsulins—a kind of hollow protein ball—have the potential to protect enzymes and ...

New biomass map to take stock of the world's carbon

The first of a series of global maps aimed at quantifying change in carbon stored as biomass across the world's forests and shrublands has been released today by ESA's Climate Change Initiative at COP25—the United Nation ...

Understanding color at a nanoscale

Some of the most vibrantly colored creatures in the animal kingdom don't owe their amazing colors to pigment. Instead, they cover themselves with microscopic structures that fine tune the way they reflect light.

Genomic cut and paste using a class 1 CRISPR system

Almost from the moment DNA was discovered, the ability to fix or remove disease-causing genes in affected patients has been something of a holy grail of medicine. Now that this goal is within reach, researchers are working ...

Liquid flow is influenced by a quantum effect in water

Researchers at EPFL have discovered that the viscosity of solutions of electrically charged polymers dissolved in water is influenced by a quantum effect. This tiny quantum effect influences the way water molecules interact ...

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