
Threatened sturgeon learns for the fitness

An international team led by IGB is providing one of the first proofs of the complex learning behaviour of fish in a recent study. The Atlantic sturgeon is considered extinct in Germany. The IGB is coordinating the reintroduction ...

How milk does an animal body good

It has been called the world's most perfect food, and there's unequivocal evidence that it can fight off disease and build better baby brains. But even after decades of research, very little is known about how breast milk ...

Researchers discover a trigger for directed cell motion

When an individual cell is placed on a level surface, it does not keep still, but starts moving. This phenomenon was observed by the British cell biologist Michael Abercrombie as long ago as 1967. Since then, researchers ...

Dehesa health starts from the ground up

Holm oak decline threatens dehesa sustainability. Though the pseudofungus oomycete Phytophthora cinnamomisería is thought to be the main cause of holm oak decline, climate conditions have been shown to influence it, as well. ...

Fighting food waste by finding ways to use the useless

Every Thursday and Sunday I walk my frozen banana peels and carrot tops to Columbia's farmers market. It's my small effort to combat food waste, which happens from production to retail to consumption. At the production ...

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