
Spotted owls benefit from forest fires

This week, as some of the largest wildfires in decades continue to burn across U.S. western states, a group of pro-logging scientists and activists reignited the debate about spotted owls and wildfires by publishing a comment ...

Two young planetary systems detected by TESS

Using NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), astronomers have discovered two new young planetary systems. They found that two stars not older than 320 million years, namely TOI-251 and TOI-942, are orbited by ...

IVF boost: Using acoustic waves to select high quality sperm

Monash University researchers have combined acoustic waves and fluid dynamics to create a new approach for separating high-quality sperm in assisted reproduction—opening new windows for infertile couples to have a family ...

Shining a light on the weird world of dihydrogen phosphate anions

Scientists at UNSW Sydney, together with collaborators from Western Sydney University and The Netherlands, were surprised to find that dihydrogen phosphate anions—vital inorganic ions for cellular activity—bind with other ...

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