
Image: The case of the Martian boulder piles

This image was originally meant to track the movement of sand dunes near the North Pole of Mars, but what's on the ground in between the dunes is just as interesting!

Our circadian clock sets the rhythm for our cells' powerhouses

Countless genetically controlled clocks keep time in different body parts, such as the liver, kidneys and heart. Among other things, they initiate metabolic processes, ensuring that these occur at the optimal time of day. ...

ALMA reveals inner web of stellar nursery

This spectacular and unusual image shows part of the famous Orion Nebula, a star formation region lying about 1350 light-years from Earth. It combines a mosaic of millimetre-wavelength images from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter ...

Scarce metals going unrecovered from end-of-life vehicles

Vast quantities of scarce metals are being lost from Europe's urban mine of vehicles, including 20 tonnes of gold each year—and the proportion of critical metals in vehicles is continuing to increase. A database has been ...

Engine maker Rolls-Royce powers back into profit

Rolls-Royce, the British maker of plane engines and other power systems, roared back into net profit last year, largely as the pound recovered, the company revealed on Wednesday.

EU firms lash out at new net privacy rules

Dozens of European media, telecom and internet firms criticised Wednesday the EU's new online privacy rules, saying they will effectively hand US tech giants even greater power over user data.

EU urges Germany to introduce air pollution toll

German cities should fight air pollution by charging drivers tolls according to their vehicle's emissions, rather than slapping general bans on older models, European Transport Commissioner Violeta Bulc said Wednesday.

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