
Pushing boundaries in software analytics

Researchers at the Singapore Management University have developed an automated 'debugging' approach called Adaptive Multimodal Bug Localisation (AML). AML gleans debugging hints from both bug reports and test cases, and it ...

How close are we to living on Mars?

Like any long-distance relationship, our love affair with Mars has had its ups and downs. The planet's red tint made it a distinctive – but ominous – nighttime presence to the ancients, who gazed at it with the naked ...

Bad bosses inspire employees to sabotage customers

When faced with rude customers, people in the service sector sometimes exact revenge – but they're much more likely to do so if their boss mistreats them as well, according to a new study by Professor Daniel Skarlicki and ...

Researchers design material that more effectively slows light

Researchers at The University of Alabama designed and made a material that manipulates the speed of light in a new, more effective way than previous methods, according to findings recently published in Scientific Reports ...

Video: Moderating extremes in building design

Leon Glicksman designs buildings with an eye toward improved energy efficiency, and, like many of his MIT colleagues, he brings with him a high-tech portfolio. He develops aerogel panels to improve insulation and software ...

Who you gonna trust? How power affects our faith in others

One of the ongoing themes of the current presidential campaign is that Americans are becoming increasingly distrustful of those who walk the corridors of power – Exhibit A being the Republican presidential primary, in which ...

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