
Pollen genetics can help with forensic investigations

Imagine you're a detective working on a murder case. You have a body, but you believe it was moved from another location. Now what? There's one unexpected tool you might use to follow up on this suspicion: forensic palynology. ...

Barley that thrives in salty soils

The capacity to feed the world's growing population will be greatly improved by developing crops able to tolerate higher soil salinity and salt water irrigation. Researchers at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology ...

Detecting forest fragility with satellites

In recent decades, forests in different parts of the world have suffered sudden massive tree mortality. Now an international team of scientists led by researchers from Wageningen University in the Netherlands has found a ...

Mysteries of volcanic avalanches unlocked

Massey University researchers have made the first observations of the internal structure of volcanic flows, which are responsible for fifty per cent of volcanic fatalities and endanger half a billion people worldwide. 

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