
Pollinator biodiversity

If you're moving pollen from one plant to another, you might be a pollinator.

Building green cities

Singapore has had a long history as a green city – but a tri-sector partnership could help developing Asian countries kickstart a journey into climate change resilience. [This is a feature story published in the Tri-Sector ...

Fragment of impacting asteroid recovered in Botswana

On Saturday, June 23, 2018, a team of experts from Botswana, South Africa, Finland and the United States of America recovered a fresh meteorite in Botswana's Central Kalahari Game Reserve (CKGR). The meteorite is one of the ...

Humans need not apply

Will automation, AI and robotics mean a jobless future, or will their productivity free us to innovate and explore? Is the impact of new technologies to be feared, or a chance to rethink the structure of our working lives ...

Automating molecule design to speed up drug development

Designing new molecules for pharmaceuticals is primarily a manual, time-consuming process that's prone to error. But MIT researchers have now taken a step toward fully automating the design process, which could drastically ...

Expansion of agricultural land reduces CO2 absorption

Plants absorb some of the carbon dioxide (CO2) released into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels. But increasing deforestation and other changes in land use will reduce the CO2 absorption capacity of these areas in the ...

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